Capture You – Journal Your Journey

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
October 19, 2011 Habits

In my early teens I kept a diary. It was a small thick book with a strap and key. I kept it hidden safely between my mattress and box spring! Long lost and only recently remembered I would put the names of boyfriends in it, times I got angry at my parents for putting restrictions on me and secrets I could not share! Perhaps times haven’t changed and young girls still keep diaries to capture their memories.

Picture albums also re-create past experiences. When flipping through the pages I’m quickly reminded of the passage of time, events that shaped my life, and the people with whom I have shared my journey. While pictures “capture” the past, I have discovered journal writing offers a broader opportunity to “re-visit” time. For me, writing reflects my heart. Journaling is the vehicle that offers time for quiet introspection and a way to revisit my experiences. Pictures capture only a single moment; written words express thoughts and feelings. Writing helps me sort out the day’s activities by focusing on their impact on me, my behavior, what I value and lessons I’ve learned. It’s my reminder to express gratitude. It is a private record of ideas, experiences and reflections on my life as I live it.

It seems as we get older time appears to pass more quickly. Hours become days; weeks become months, and suddenly new seasons appear! Life is moving faster and faster. It’s easy to get caught up in activity; it’s challenging to take time to “stop the clock” and be alone with one’s self. The daily demands we each face don’t diminish. As long as we continually make ourselves available others will get our attention. I encourage you to connect with yourself through journal writing. Your life is valuable. Who you are inside shapes your relationships and how you deal with the world outside. Stay in touch with you. Capture your moments. Be willing to express yourself openly and honestly. You will see your life differently when you journal your journey.

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