Education Topic of October – Resolutions

by Cindy Elsberry
November 16, 2014 Motivation,Personal Development

I make a list almost every day of things to do or a list of things to get done by a particular date. Lists (or mini-goals as I like to call them) keep me on task. They also help me to stay focused.

We wanted to know how you feel about the subject. The Xperience Connections topic for October was: As we enter the last quarter of 2014, please share one or two goals you are committed to achieve by January, 2015. Thank you to the attendees of the Atlanta/Cumberland, Acworth, Marietta and Douglasville XC for your responses.

Contact Cindy for administrative support.

Contact Cindy for administrative support.

  • Learn Evernote application so I can increase proficiency in follow-up.
  • I am committed to a consistent follow-up system .
  • Get my house ready to sell.
  • De-clutter and learn Evernote. Also, increase my team.
  • Finish two chapters of my book by the end of January.
  • Hire a marketing assistant.
  • Create two chapters for my organization.
  • Focus on prosperity.
  • Design 2-3 websites for potential clients.
  • Related to my business, create a system “Blueprint for Your Life” for clients.
  • Continue to journal my journey for my own healing and to inspire others.
  • Put all expenses into spreadsheet so taxes will be ready at the beginning of the year.
  • Rebranding IT company.
  • Grow new business.
  • Get more organized.
  • Form support group to help others in family, spiritual and health goals.
  • Release 15 more pounds before January 1st.
  • Practice portion control for the holidays.
  • Stay on track to keep my tax deductible items such as mileage, receipts, etc. in order so that I can be more organized and prepared to file my taxes earlier.
  • Achieve a system for time management so that I can dedicate a committed time frame to working my business every day.
  • Write and promote my blog on a monthly basis.
  • Complete my book by the end of the year.
  • Help 30 people with their resume.
  • Launch two new courses.
  • Write two new chapters of my book.
  • Work with a partner from XC to introduce business to call centers.
  • Lose 15 pounds.
  • Obtain ten new cleaning contracts.
  • Get 30 new volunteers for my non-profit.

Why wait until New Year’s Eve to think of resolutions? Why not commit NOW to a goal (or two) you can complete by the beginning of the year? What better way to jump-start your 2015? Do you have something you want to commit to doing by January 1st? If so, leave it n the comments below. You never know who you might motivate!

Cindy Elsberry
Cell: 404-354-3858

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