Everybody’s Networking!

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
February 1, 2016 Uncategorized

Everybody’s Networking!  Are U in The Game?

Bonnie Ross-Parker, CEO/Founder Xperience Connections

            There’s no denying that social media is now a key player in the networking arena.  Regardless of which ‘platform’ you prefer, being able to connect, converse and stay in touch through the internet has and will continue to have a major impact on building relationships and business. That being said, networking is not going away.  In fact, more and more ‘local’ and ‘national’ networking organizations are on the scene stronger than ever before.  Why is that so?  Because, in spite of the ease and availability of online communication, the importance of face to face networking, real time connection and building relationships in one’s local community continues to be valuable.  Perhaps it’s safe to say, both online and offline business building will continue to remain relevant.

            As for me, I’m a face to face networking gal.  I like hugs, eye contact, familiar faces and re-connecting with individuals who come and go in my life.  I prefer sitting and sharing, complimenting and engaging in real time.  There’s something special about recognizing someone at an event, introducing someone you know to someone they need to meet or finding out what is happening in the lives of people I see that are where I am.

            Networking for both relationship building and business growth cannot be overstated. Sure, one can sit in front of a monitor all day to do both.  However, the value you get from being at an event, listening to a speaker, conversing with individuals being together at a table and possibly brainstorming I believe are some of the most effective ways to share about you and the passion you have behind the products or service you offer.  People are more likely to remember you, refer business to you and want to spend time with you when you show up, listen and help them with the challenges they face whether personally or professionally.

            Networking remains the #1 way to achieve what you want and deserve. When you connect effectively, you get effective results.  When you remain steadfast in having a servant attitude, you get results.  When others see that you stand out because you are sincere and generous, you get results.  Never underestimate what you can accomplish when you network.  Never underestimate who you may meet or who will meet you!  There’s power in networking. If you are NOT in the game, you need to be!  All it takes is to: Get Up!  Get Out! Get Going!

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Carol - 678-457-1557 or Carol@XperienceConnections.com
Tracee - 678-313-0767 or Tracee@XperienceConnections.com