Friends – Our Family of Choice

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
February 29, 2012 Family

As I experience life I am reminded daily of those who enrich my journey, who support my ideas, and who encourage me to go for what I want. I feel blessed. When we choose to move away from our roots, which is more common today than in past years, the relationships we develop become “our extended family”. During times of joy and moments of challenge, I rely on my friends. They applaud, they listen, and they help. All I have to do is place a call, make a visit or ask for what I need!

Friendship is all about being there for one another. When a friend calls upon me I feel special knowing my ideas and my time are valued. Sharing experiences with friends makes events more memorable. Having a conversation that creates clarity when uncertain about an issue makes it easier to decide. Friendship has no time constraint and no limits. Years pass and yet friends have the ability to re-connect and re-establish their relationship in an instant. Distance is not a barrier to friendship. People move, jobs change, unexpected circumstances occur and friends can still remain friends. What a wonderful concept! In a rapidly changing world it’s reassuring to know that friendships can endure. Neither politics, the economy, or the weather can replace an enduring friendship.

Recently I received a call from a long-standing friend whose husband is not well. Although we don’t see one another often because of geographic limitations, she knew when I picked up the phone that she could count on me to listen and support her as she struggles through a stressful time. Frequently friends just need a listening ear, a caring heart, and warm reassurance. Sometimes a friend is excited to share good fortune. There are times when a conversation or visit with a close friend is just the prescription we need when feeling out of sorts. Each of us has a never ending capacity to love and to care. We have unlimited opportunities to be supportive wherever and whenever someone needs us. Having friends and being a friend are priceless gifts we give to each other. Call or visit someone today.

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