Getting Free Publicity From Your Blog

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
November 23, 2008 Business

When I wrote about blogging for business, I mentioned ten reasons why adding a blog to your marketing efforts was so wise, but I actually left something out.

This thing that I didn’t mention came up for me in a big way in the last few weeks. First, a reporter from MSNBC called to interview me. My spot appeared on national television that night.

Then just a couple of days ago, a reporter from ABC news called up to get my thoughts on another topic of the moment.

How did both of these reporters find me?

They did a Google search that let them to my blog.

You see, one of the things about blogging that’s so great is the fresh, relevant content. Search engines love this content, but people see it too, including the media.

I’ll admit that writing and submitting press releases is not my favorite thing in the world to do. Are you procrastinating about it too? Your blog can also help you generate free publicity.

When someone finds a blog post you’ve written, they know you’re interested and knowledgeable on the topic. You have an opinion.

Can you see how this can result in publicity and more exposure for your business?

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