Halfway to Nowhere

by Diana Nichols
January 4, 2012 Motivation

Are you going in the direction of your choice or is life choosing where you have to be? Are you “sort of” on your own path to fulfillment or are you paving the way for someone else? Are you giving life all you’ve got or are you only “half in the game”? I’ve lived in the 3 to get ready position many times over and I’ve discovered that when you are not moving forward, you’re actually falling behind. Being “on the fence” is an example. You’re neither on the inside or the outside. You’re just there.

Going halfway is an attitude. It’s caused by indecision, lack of confidence, fear of risk, and an unwillingness to change. It suggests that “things” are fine just they way they are. The challenge with only going half way is that everything and everyone around you are rapidly changing. Nothing stays the same. Seasons change, the government changes, policies and procedures change, and technology changes. Our world is continually experiencing rapid change. To go halfway is to be out of step, out of touch, out of the loop.

Ever heard the expression, ‘Same old, same old”? That’s definitely halfway thinking. The idea of keeping any situation at “status quo” is unfavorable. Why? The implication of life staying the same suggests a lack of creativity, innovation, diverse activity, and progress. How can you go anywhere when you are stuck in nowhere?

Successful individuals make decisions. They size up a situation, identify pros and cons, weigh and measure alternatives and decide whatever needs to be a next step. Halfway thinking is not knowing in which direction to move, what the next step will be. There is no reward for indecisiveness. Think of times you were with anyone who couldn’t decide which restaurant, which movie, or which activity he or she wanted to do. It’s frustrating to be with a halfway thinker who doesn’t care, is uncertain,
or has a “whatever” attitude regarding plans.

Begin practicing all out thinking. It doesn’t matter if the plan is right or wrong. What does matter is your willingness to make a plan. It’s powerful to take a stand on your life and those decisions that affect you, your family, your friends, and your career. Why go no where when you can use your thinking and go somewhere? The choice is yours. Choose where you want to go and get going.

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