Our Legacy As Professional Women – Part I

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
December 14, 2013 Inspiration,Personal Development

As women, we influence our families and communities in so many unselfish ways.  Collectively, we possess a strong commitment to social change, healthSlide1 and well-being, and the environment.

Connecting with ourselves and creating who we wish to be is a vital part of the joy of connecting that connects us with others.  Each person, each connection, and each time you touch somebody else leaves a legacy to the world.  Just as my grandmother influenced her mother, she has left a legacy to me and I am leaving a legacy to my children.

Sometimes when I get caught up learning about famous people and their accomplishments, I begin to wonder about the worth of my own contribution to the world.  I can affirm my value as a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend, community volunteer, and writer.  I know that through those efforts, I “make a difference.”  However, I wonder what someone has to do to create either “legacy” or “notoriety.”

Legacy refers to “something received from the past,” usually handed down from one generation to another.  We refer to people of notoriety as those who are “generally known or talked about.”  They receive wide recognition because of their deeds or actions.  I love the concept of leaving a legacy.  I’m not sure about the idea of being notorious!

I once heard someone say, “Who you are is the direct result of everything that has ever happened to you, everything you have ever done, and every person you have ever met to this point in your life.”  What a powerful statement.  The reality is even more powerful.

“Who you are” stems from all the things previously mentioned. It comes from those in past generations who influenced those who have influenced you in your life. The legacies we leave create an immortality that will influence generations to come – long after we are gone and forgotten.

Think of the people who have made an impact on your life.  Who are they?  Why have they influenced you so greatly?  What do you admire about the way they lived their lives?  Each of our lives is a reflection of the experiences we have, the people we meet, the thoughts we consider and the feelings we embrace.

Bonnie Ross-Parker is a Professional Speaker/Author. She is a multi-dimensional entrepreneur with a background in education, franchise development, network marketing and community development.  Referred to as “America’s Connection Diva”, Bonnie delivers keynotes and workshops on Effective Connecting.  Her licensed program, Xperience Connections provides “unique networking experience for women only”.  Bonnie can be reached by phone at: 770-333-7923, email: bootgirl@xperienceconnections.com or through her website: www.bonnierossparker.com

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