Networking nicely: Pick a good role model

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
May 4, 2008 Networking

by Diane K. Danielson

Sometimes the best role models for business and networking don’t come from the business world at all. One such role model for me is my friend’s mom, who was a master of “the greeting.” She greets everyone she meets with the biggest smile and with such excitement, you’d think you were the most important person in the world. And, for her, at that moment, you were (or at least she always made me think so).

She was so good at this that I’m sure even the garbage men had to like coming by her house. It didn’t matter who you were, what you wanted, or when she’d last seen you, she’d make you feel like you had brightened her day just by being in it.

In truth, she brightened everyone else’s day, because smiles and enthusiasm are contagious, as is paying special attention to someone. While you don’t know my friend’s mom, you probably know someone like her. So, the next time you’re at a networking event, think of them and turn on the smiles and enthusiasm!

Diane K. Danielson is the ceo of, a women’s business network and career website, and the co-author of The Savvy Gal’s Guide to Online Networking (or What Would Jane Austen Do?) , available on Amazon or free with a Downtown Women’s Club DWC+ membership.

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