The Light of The Olympics

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
August 9, 2012 Personal Development

I admit it.  I have been hooked on the Olympics.  The stories, the successes and yes, even the disappointments have all impacted me.  I feel so much admiration for those individuals who have done the unthinkable, sacrificed easy to achieve difficult and who have tested their bodies and faith the way these athletes have.  Oh, and lest I forgot, what about the unconditional sportsmanship that competitors express to one another? 

For me, the Olympics represents much more than gruling competition.  It reflects  the best of the best.  Athletes coming together proudly representing their countries, their sports and their passion are only part of the story.  Our world is in such great turmoil.  We are constantly bombarded with all that is wrong globally.  It’s refreshing to witness what is right.  Don’t you wish athletes ruled?  We could learn so much from their passion, their focus and their example!   While we sit comfortably in our homes and watch the competition, may we be reminded that it takes hard work to achieve greatness.  It takes self-discipline to achieve results.  It takes unrelentless belief to achieve your very best.  We can all learn many lessons from Olympic athletes.  They take my breath away!


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