The Name Game

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
August 27, 2012 Personal Development

At a networking event I recently attended  I was the ONLY person wearing a  name tag!  I don’t know about you, but remembering names is not my best quality and with no names plastered on someone’s shirt or jacket, it was a bit frustrating.  For example, if  a person looks  familiar and you ‘can’t remember’ you have to figure out a way to be polite and not insulting.  “Please help me out.  Your name just escapes me” is a possible lead in.  Or, “I don’t know about you, but I have to admit I’m really bad at remembering names.”  All of this squirming when a simple name tag makes life so much easier.  That being the case, WHY do people object?  WHY don’t organizations provide blank name badges at the sign in desk? 

I have a permanent name tag that includes both my name and my business.  This definitely makes  it easy for others to connect with me.  The reverse would also be true – making it easier for me to connect with others.  If you get nothing else out of this tirade, I strongly suggest you run, not walk, to your nearest Office Max, Office Depot or Staples and spend $10 – $15 to insure that you have YOUR name tag from now on.  You want others to connect with you easily.  You want others to have your name and business in order to eliminate their embarrassment when you look familiar and they can’t remember your name.  It’s that simple.  Just keep your name badge with your business cards and know your networking experiences will be a lot more productive when people seek you out.  Check out Networking Know How Video Tips on the home page at

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