We Go Where Our Vision Is

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
March 7, 2012 Motivation

While they seem the same, there is a huge difference between eyesight and vision. Eyesight is the ability to see what is; vision is the ability to see possibilities of what can be. There are many indicators in our world today the power of having vision. Today’s visions shape tomorrow’s opportunities. The strides we make now are the building blocks to what lies ahead. Remember those individuals who have devoted their lives to world peace, knowing that they may not live to see it’s reality. Look at those in the medical field who continue their research for cures and hold a vision of universal health.

What about educators who devote themselves to eliminating illiteracy? There will always be people committed to a better future because they have the vision to see what is invisible to others.

Successful people are colossal dreamers. They can imagine the future and visualize the outcome. They work daily toward their vision. Visionaries are steadfast in their beliefs and unstoppable in their pursuits. They don’t allow the environment, other people’s beliefs, or their own limitations hold them back from their dreams. Only when one ignores conventionalism can one achieve the unthinkable. Had I considered the continuous challenge of writing this column instead of believing in a vision of how my
experiences might help another, I may have questioned my ability to do so! Moving forward toward uncharted waters when you have faith in a vision for yourself or others creates future possibilities.

People living life by habit refer to life as “same old..same old.” People with vision acknowledge change, welcome progress, and expect great results because it’s what they expect of themselves.

We can’t move forward standing still. Napoleon Hill, author of “Think And Grow Rich” stated it best. “Cherish your visions and dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” I encourage you to go beyond the reality of what you see at this moment to your vision of what you wish for the future.

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