Vision Boards
Dana M. Lee: Vision Board | JOC | Blog
It’s good practice to have a “Vision Board,” says Dana M. Lee. Have those regular JOC attendees who bring guests, support licensee’s launches and add value to every meeting. I’m fortunate to have several and would like to share about one that helps all of our businesses grow. Quinnie Cook Richardson, with MindVision, facilitates Vision Board Workshops to help entrepreneurs (and others) manifest their goals. During a workshop she facilitated this past fall, I participated alongside a friend and other JOC regular Tammy Dunner.

Dana M. Lee, DanaBASE currently markets two products, Xtreme Fuel Treatment (XFT) and Eco-Mist Waterless Wash & Shine, by Syntek Global.
Everyone produced a vision board with pictures and phrases representing each of our 5 goals for the year. Quinnie’s board included climbing Mt Kilimanjaro – which she did last month. She shared during my last JOC how the 5 day journey was a metaphor for many businesses – how we reach summits then descend into valleys but with consistency and support we will all reach the top! I am so appreciative of how my JOC provides monthly opportunities for me and others to build our businesses in a supportive environment.