Growth, Performance, Integrity: Key Components to Successful Business

July 1, 2013 Expert Themes: Business & Financial.

I am delighted to join Bonnie Ross Parker and the Xperience Connections’ Team as a XC Resident Expert, educating “Women That Make It Happen”   on Business and Financial Matters! 

I am a CPA with over 35 years of experience, and I will be sharing advice to help your business obtain maximum growth and performance and for you to be able to keep more of what you make.   I want you to be able to run your business with integrity and pride and to have systems in place so  you can spend more time with your family.

I am pleased that Bonnie has chosen the principles of Growth, Performance and Integrity to incorporate into your personal and business life.  Let me share with you what they mean to me.

Growth.  A business can’t stand still.  It is either growing or shrinking.  Nothing stays the same forever.  The world keeps changing and if your business does not change with it, it ceases to exist.  The 7 words that will kill any organization is “We have always done it this way.”  You may have heard that the only thing constant is “Change.”  I believe this, but I also recommend embracing change and learning to grow your business responsibly and I look forward to showing you how.

Performance.  This is the report card, the way to track how the business is doing.  We can learn from the negative performances and take steps to prevent repeating them.  And we enjoy the positive performances and how to repeat them.  I will share strategies to promote the positive ones.

Integrity.  Nothing matters more than your integrity and the integrity of your business.  My father once told me that the one thing that is really yours is your “scruples.”   Only you can give them away, only you can protect them.  A celebrity can quickly learn the hard way.  Just one indiscretion and their career is over.  This is the same with you and your business.   Learn how to share your vision and principles with your organization.

I want positive Growth, Performance and Integrity for you and your business!  Therefore, I will be sharing hundreds of strategies with you and your business including:

  • 10 Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make
  • Where to Spend Your Valuable Time
  • How to Manage Cash Flow, so it Flows
  • What to Watch and Monitor
  • How to keep Customer Service from being Customer Dis-service
  • Systems, Systems, Systems
  • How to Add Value to Your Company
  • How to Spend More Time with Your Family

If you have questions that you’d like me to address or a personal story you are willing to share with other women please email me at

I look forward to hearing from you and working with you to Xperience and enjoy more energy and success in your personal and professional life.

Let’s get started!

Ellen Springer, MBA, CPA,

If you have a comment or question about this article, please Click Here to let Ellen know.

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