Wonder What’s Stealing Your Energy ?
How often do you feel exhausted – like a vampire sapped the energy right out of you? If like most women today you strive to continually improve the quality of your life, your sense of well-being, your energy levels, and your mental capacities, you’ll want to read on.
Many people today perceive their lives to be too busy, brimming with problems, and downright chaotic. As a result, they’re shifting-and-bobbing from one crisis to another.
This may sound all too familiar. Jennifer, a busy mom of two works full time outside of her home. On most days she’s up at 6:30 AM to get herself and her children washed, dressed, fed, and ready for the day. Before going into the office, she drops her children off at school and then picks them up at the end of the day. That is followed by the rush hour drive home, supervising the children’s homework, cooking dinner, and preparing for the next day all before it’s time to get ready to flop into bed by 11 PM.
As a result, she is constantly stressed and worried, anxious about the next crisis lurking just around the corner. Jennifer feels like her life is out of control. Is it any surprise that she is on several medications and is constantly dealing with body aches and digestive problems? Jennifer’s hectic lifestyle is not unusual. In fact most women can relate to Jennifer.
Here’s where it gets interesting. Living in a constant state of chaos serves a purpose for Jennifer. By keeping her attention and energy focused on putting out fires, she avoids facing the root causes of her stress. It’s common to blame external events for our stress because we mistakenly believe that it relieves us from having to assume personal responsibility for our actions and behavior. We simply defer to the chaos and allow it to sap our energy, disrupt our lives, subject us to long-term health concerns, and rob us of the enjoyable life we want.
You may be shocked to learn that you have much more control over your life than you’ve realized. While you may not control many external events that seem to send your life into a constant state of crisis, you do have power over something just as powerful — your own response to those events.
You could say, “It’s an inside job”. The joy you desire, the health you desire, and your life experience are first created within your thinking mind. There are dozens of effective techniques to manage stress, bring order to the chaos in your life, relax, and live the healthy productive life of your dreams.
The first step is recognizing that life is full of challenges. The second step is to know that you have control over how you will experience and respond to each life challenge. No one can make you feel stressed. It’s you who chooses to feel stressed or to remain calm. When you allow yourself to feel stressed you are literally sapping your own energy because your body responds to stress by releasing adrenaline into your blood stream. Adrenaline, the fight, flight, or freeze hormone, may be a fast-burning fuel that moves your body in attack situations but if frequently triggered over a long period of time it will sap your energy. What you need is a reliable source of healthful renewable energy.
You can begin building sources of renewable energy by taking a few minutes every day to remain calm and relax your body before falling asleep. The more you practice the better you’ll get at this.
By shifting your focus from problems to people and things that make you happy, you’ll recharge yourself with good feelings every day. Surround yourself with beautiful things and nurture you soul with music and art that brings you joy. And, take time to dance like no one is watching. You’ll build your very own unlimited source of energy from within.
For more productivity and energy building tips, contact Carole at CarolePepe.Interact@gmail.com .