The Joy of Connecting has rebirthed: Xperience Connections

Bonnie Ross-Parker, CEO/Founder of Xperience Connections.
Women Business Owners, it is time. After a decade of growth, challenges and reflection, The Joy of Connecting has rebirthed with a new name, new logo, new mission.
and an enhanced direction. We will continue to reach out to organizations for woman business owners. We are passionate about enriching the lives of professional women.
Officially re-named, Xperience Connections, we are now positioned to bring you extensive education, a more robust platform and increased opportunity to be inter-active with us and with one another. Visit us often. We would like you to join (complimentary) and be a part of our XC Membership Directory. Just click here.
New articles, new members to our community and features will be added regularly. Xperience Connections exists to encourage and facilitate the growth, performance and integrity of professional women by creating opportunities to foster relationships through a creative exchange of information and referrals. XC is all about YOU.
CEO/Founder Bonnie Ross-Parker is available to provide your organization with a high energy and inter-active workshop: Are YOU A Savvy Networker? Women business owners are welcomed to contact Bonnie.
Bonnie is the author of Walk In My Boots ~ The Joy of Connecting, “Y.O.U. Set A High Standard for Being Human” and 42 Rules for Effective Connections. Bonnie lives in Atlanta with her husband, Phil, who is also a professional speaker/author. She can be reached at – 770-333-7923 or 1-877-411-6611 as well as by email: for more detail at
This is where OUR journey begins. PLEASE join me!