Are you in integrity with who you are

July 22, 2013 Article Themes: Integrity.

There was a point in time when I was a semi-professional NYC Singer/Actress. A GREAT Actress gets into the head of a character and figures out what triggers, emotions and reactions might exist for the character. Then a great actress finds something in herself that will take her to that mindset. Then she owns who that character is, embodies the character and exists as the character while on stage/set. 

Ok, so you’re probably wondering what any of this has to do with being an entrepreneur, running your business and/or marketing. When you are selling a service that requires you to be the brains of the operation, you have to find who you are in that business first.  You don’t have to pretend to be that successful business woman you met the other day.  People can smell a wanna be from a mile way.  Be yourself!   Just like an actor, you need to study who this character is.  What makes you tick?  What gets your juices flowing?  What gets you into connection mode?  What does it take to get things done?  Where are you pretending and where are you being true to yourself?   Then consistently embody this character of you.  This will keep you in integrity with who you are no matter what you are doing in your business. The best part is, you know this character well. You don’t have to pretend, or identify…it’s you.

So, how do you figure out who you are in your business?

You start with what’s important to you. What are the principles and values you live by every day? Go ahead, write it down.

Then you apply that to your business. Once you have a list, then compare that to what you do in your business every day. How do your important principles and values apply?

Then determine where you need to honor them more. So, where are you not consistently applying your principles and values? What do you need in order to honor them more?

Inhabit the character. Put things into place so you are always being “YOU”. So, you have no choice but to follow your principles and values. Take some time to inhabit who you are before you do anything in your business.

Guess what happens when you are in integrity with who you are? You exude integrity and people trust you fast. As we all know, people buy from those they trust. Be in integrity with who you are and the world will see you as having integrity.

What do you think about inhabiting the character of “you”? Easy, hard, fun? What’s your take-away?

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