Are You Sabotaging Your Growth and Success?
A few years ago at a fundraising event, I was captivated by a teenage boy who had tattoed, I am my worst enemy, across his chest. He’s what’s called an at-risk student, someone who’s statistically more likely than others to fail academically due to his life circumstances.
At first glance this message appears to be a self-defeating, self-fulfilling prophecy in the making.
However, after talking with him, I discovered that he had already learned an essential truth: Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. In the school of life, he had learned that lesson the hard way.
You, like him, will find your growth and success severely affected by how much mastery you have over your mind, specifically your saboteurs. Saboteurs are your internal enemies, a set of automatic mind patterns made of your beliefs and assumptions that work against your best interest. They form the lens through which we see and react to the world, without knowing we are wearing the lens. (Shirzad Chamine in Positive Intelligence)
Saboteurs can be difficult to recognize because they become such a natural part of you. You accept your own thought that says, This is just the way I am. Be aware that this belief about your identity is a lie. The truth is that you can change, if you are willing and disciplined to rewire your mental habits.
The best way to maximize your personal and professional growth and speed up your rate of success is to identify your personal saboteurs. Shirzad Chamine in Positive Intelligence has identified 10 saboteurs. Below are examples of what each saboteur would have you believe about yourself.
If you can’t do it perfectly, don’t do it all. (Stickler)
I give away too much and don’t think of myself enough. (Pleaser)
I must be the best at what I do. (Hyper-Achiever)
I wish someone would rescue me from this mess. (Victim)
What I value most is knowledge, understanding and insight. (Hyper-rational)
I want to trust people, but I find myself suspicious of their motives. (Hyper-vigilant)
Why can’t anyone keep up with me? (Restless)
If I work hard enough, I can control the situation so it goes my way. (Controller)
I’d rather give someone else their way than create a scene. (Avoider)
What is wrong with me? With you? (Judge)
The first step to using your mind to your advantage is to know your saboteurs and then to understand your level of Positive Intelligence. Positive Intelligence is a measure of how much mastery you have developed over your own mind.
This information is available by taking two short FREE assessments, Saboteur Assessment and PQ Assessment found at:
You will receive two valuable reports that contain information to change your life, to shift you from being your worst enemy to your best friend.
If you’d like to find out how to use this information to maximize your growth and success, please go to to schedule a 30 minute complimentary strategy session.