Integrity and Promises

August 5, 2013 Article Themes: Integrity.

I’m sure you know that following through on your promises/commitments shows integrity. If you’re like most business owners, you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off most of the time. Occasionally, that means you miss something, forget something or something just slides right by you. So, let’s talk about that a bit. How do you minimize or prevent this kind of mishap?

  1. Plan, plan, plan – The biggest reason things get missed is because the promise didn’t make it onto the calendar or get into the list or get added to the to-do pile.
    1. Plan backwards – When someone gives you a due date, think about what will need to be done and when. Then write/type it into something to help you remember. Plan out the path to make sure things happen and nothing gets missed. Where is the best place for you to keep your plans?
    2. Remember your personal time – If you’re going on vacation, or are taking a long weekend, that’s your personal time. Make sure that’s in front of you when making a commitment. Give yourself ample time to get ready for that time off and acclimate when you return. What can you do, now, to help remember that buffer time around personal plans?
  2. Create structures – If you’re like me, you are creative and that means a lot of scattered ideas. This leads to big misses. I’ve found it easier when I create a structure or container to hold things in. For example, I have a place to write ideas down that I want to act on later. I have a specific routine set in place in the morning to help me get focused and ready for the day. I have a specific end of the day routine that allows me to set myself up for the next day. Just these three things cut down on my time/energy looking for things and wondering if I missed something. What kind of structures are helpful for you?

So, the next time you are about to make a promise or commitment, think first and promise later. Even if that means taking some time to get back to someone. Better to take the time than to not follow through.

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