Integrity and Purpose

December 20, 2013 Article Themes: Integrity.

No matter what you do or what you say in your business, it matters when it comes to staying in integrity.  All too often I see people who are putting out marketing messages or adding new systems to their business and they are doing it because someone “said to” do it. 

I’m sorry to tell you that “because they said so” isn’t a reason to do anything.  It also doesn’t keep you in integrity with who you are, your service or product.  It keeps you in integrity with someone else’s opinions.   

So, how do you stay in integrity AND do what you need to do for your business?  The answer is in your purpose.  No, I’m not talking about your big purpose in being here on this earth (although, that’s a great purpose to put behind anything…and it sells!).  I’m talking about smaller purposes.  I’m talking about the purpose for setting up a new billing system. The purpose you have for sending out your next e-mail campaign.  The purpose you have for reaching out to past clients/customers.

Think about the purpose, the reason for everything you do.  Get really specific.  “To get clients” is NOT specific enough.  “To get people to pick up the phone and call me” is specific.  “To make my life easier when it comes to billing” is specific.  “To honor my desire to have weekends off” is specific.  How do you get there?  Be specific on three things:

  1. Be specific on what you want to get out of it. 
  2. Be specific on what you are trying to create with it. 
  3. Be specific on what you see happening afterwards. 

Once you get specific on the purpose behind everything you do in your business, your integrity will translate into it.  Then you’ll start to see it all pay off more than it ever has.  

Oh, and one last thing.  If every little purpose feeds your big “why you were put on this earth” purpose, you’ll enjoy your business a lot more.  So stop doing what you’re “told” and find some purpose in your business.  

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