Success Lessons From a Freestyle Rapper
Accelerate your success and biz growth by tuning into the things right under your nose. The AHA moments, aka brilliant insights, are ALWAYS lurking around, waiting for you to capture and apply them.
To be happier at work, more profitable, experience less overwhelm and stress….however you define success and growth….zero in on the lessons around you.
I got a big AHA when I observed how one of my clients, Kimyung Kim, a Korean freestyle rapper and motivational speaker, easily engaged his audience.
Even though he made it look easy, he’d spent countless hours observing those who communicate and rap well; refining his message and practicing through trial and error.
That wasn’t my brilliant insight.
It was when I realized that his success was also because he’d painstakingly taken the time to really learn how to speak their language. Sure, he raps; but I saw how it was so much more than just that. It was his CAREFULLY CHOSEN CHOICE OF WORDS that created connections, humor and hope. He learned how to adapt his language to build trust with his audience, an essential first step to starting a real conversation.
If that’s an AHA for you too, take the DISC Personality Assessment. I have!
You’ll learn your communication style; how to read others’ communication styles and most importantly, how to adapt your style to match theirs.
If you don’t adapt your communication style which includes your choice of words, you limit the quantity and quality of your connections, influence, impact and sales.
Accelerate your growth and success by putting up your antennae to tune into the surrounding “livestream” of lessons. Plus, it’s a lot less painful at times to learn from someone else’s experiences than your own!
PS Take the DISC by contacting me HERE. It’s EASY. Just tell me you want the DISC and I’ll send you a Paypal invoice. After you pay, you get the link to take it. It’s a 10 minute test and $59.99, which is a crazy low investment of time and money that pays huge dividends for your business and personal relationships.