WIN Conference
WIN Conference: Bonnie with songwriter and vocalist, Glenna de Lisle
Bonnie just returned from Salt Lake City attending the WIN Conference (Women’s Information Network).
Bonnie spent time with songwriter and vocalist, Glenna de Lisle at the WIN Conference in Salt Lake City and wrote a song about the new future of JOC coming spring 2013.

Bonnie spent time with songwriter and vocalist, Glenna de Lisle at the WIN Conference in Salt Lake City and wrote a song about the new future of JOC coming Spring 2013.
She’s pictured here with songwriter and vocalist, Glenna de Lisle, currently with Liv International. Glenna is working with distributors helping them build their businesses, focusing on personal growth and development, building relationships, enhancing communications skills and being authentic.
Bonnie dropped in to discuss the future of the NEW JOC and to connect with Glenna. After a time of great conversation and hearty laughter, Glenna began to strum her guitar. It was inspirational to hear her sing about the future changes in JOC. And it wasn’t long before a group of people began to form around the two women. Everyone was singing in harmony. Then strangers began adding words to the “bridge” of the songs. It was amazing to see and hear the very mission of JOC in action right there; impromptu! They were singing about connections, necessary growth, high-performance and the solid integrity needed to become successful. Later that evening it was rumored that they wrote a song about their experience as professional woman; the transitions and expectations of the future JOC.
After the conference, we were able to interview Glenna and she quotes: I love my family my husband Warren and my kids. Everything I do is for them. I love being with close friends and talking about life or being really silly and laughing so hard we cry or at least someone wets their pants. I am tender. I want to do more and be more. I believe in God and want to use my talents to their full potential so I can tell Him I did my best with what He gave me. I am passionate and emotional and I love hard! I am really self-conscious about trying my best at everything I do even if it’s just making a grilled cheese sandwich for one of my boys! I am waiting for grandchildren…..
If you have never heard of WIN, this women’s conference is attended by women from all over the world; WIN is truly a global network. WIN believes in bringing together the community and global leaders onto a common platform. The purpose is to connect to and empower women in their spheres of influence through the WIN. The Global Women’s Summit brings local leaders and experts to identify women’s problems and suggest solutions in their community. It also honors women who make outstanding contributions to family, community and to entrepreneurship as Bonnie Ross-Parker has over many years.
Though Bonnie was not able to disclose everything about the changes coming this spring within JOC, she was allowing a few new ideas to be shared. You can stay tuned for more updates.
The Joy of Connecting is evolving and continues to offer development series. If you’re all about personal and professional growth, you’ll love it. Stay tuned for changes coming spring 2013!
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