Faith or Doubt
I find it very difficult to maintain my faith in something when the anticipated outcome ends up not to my liking. I can think of numerous times I did not get what I wanted. For example, I had to withdraw a contract on a house purchase because I didn’t sell the home I owned. The job I wanted was offered to someone else. The vacation plans I made fell through. The speaking engagement I anticipated was cancelled. Each time what I thought was in my best interest was not mine to have. It’s during situations
such as these I began to doubt myself and the universal plan. Why are my wants going unfulfilled? Why am I not getting the results I want?
This is what I have learned. If I feel doubtful I will experience doubt. When I have faith that everything unfolds according to my best interest and not according to what I think is best, I can maintain faith. The only way to eliminate doubt is to embrace faith. Faith and doubt can not co-exist. Regardless of the circumstances around you, choose to maintain faith within you. Choose faith over doubt If you doubt today, you will limit your trust and faith for tomorrow. Strong faith moves us forward without fear. Faith refuses to acknowledge doubt or render you discouraged. Faith is blind to impossibilities. The essence of faith is to believe that every possibility exists. Faith is the fuel which moves us forward. It is essential to peace of mind. The weak person remains doubtful, but the strong person maintains belief.
Faith requires patience and trust. It defies logic, believes in the impossible, expects miracles, and renders explanations unnecessary. When one has faith one has confidence in the outcome of our circumstances even when we don’t understand them.
Life is a continuous battle between faith and doubt. The beginning of doubt destroys faith; the end of doubt restores faith. It is challenging for those of us who like to be in control because we want to insure the outcomes as we imagine them. However, experience shows us that the universe doesn’t always view things with our set of eyes. It sees beyond what is visible to us. For us to maintain faith we have to believe in the unseen.
All that I have experienced so far is evidence enough to trust what I have yet to see. For me, life is worthwhile when I combine faith, and commitment with enthusiasm for something. When I am on purpose and my actions are in alignment with that purpose I have faith in the journey, including the outcome. Faith stems from the heart; doubt from the head. Life is a series of choices. You can choose to live in faith or you can choose to live with doubt. What will your choice be?