Make Every Connection Count

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
February 1, 2011 Inspiration,Networking

Make Every Connection Count

Think of all the contacts you make
Even in one day.
Do you ever take time to acknowledge them in some way?

You simply never know where any one connection will lead
Or the impact of reaching out to someone in need.

Offer compliments, appreciation or a kind and friendly word
Given from a loving heart with no expectation in return.

Isn’t it time in this fast, often impersonal pace
That we share and care about others when face to face?

Imagine the ripple effect of making every connection count
And the difference you can make of which there is no doubt.

So, I ask that you to consider
Leaving positive, indelible footprints while along your way
In everything you do
And everything you say.

Just remember – introduce people you meet
To people they need to know
And people you know to people they need to meet.

You simply never know where any connection will lead
Or the impact of offering even one small deed.

~ Bonnie Ross-Parker

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