Network With Confidence | Craig Phinn | Sept 28, 2013
I know that you are excited to head out to your next professional networking event; you probably have your dress-to-impress outfit at the ready, and your arsenal of busines

“I was able to generate
$180,000 in pure profits
in ONE SINGLE YEAR from networking alone…”
scards and brochures fully loaded, all to hopefully make your next sale. But before you head out the door, I have serious questions for you. Are you absolutely sure that:
- you are attending the right event?
- you will not be wasting your time and money?
- you will definitely close at least one new client?
Now you can network with confidence!
On September 28, 2013, Craig Phinn – the same one who taught our “Top 3 Networking Blunders To Avoid” Teleseminar – will be conducting an all day workshop entitled PROFITABLE NETWORKING: DOUBLE YOUR INCOME IN 90 DAYS OR LESS.
You may have attended event after event in the past and failed miserably at locking in new clients. But before you step into the venue of your next business event, you can feel 100% assured that:
- you are walking into a room ripe with people who could advance your business at warp speed.
- you know exactly how to zero in on the right persons who will become your next clients.
- you will walk away with real business relationships that benefit your bottom line.
Stop wishing, worrying or wondering if you’ll land a new client from your next networking event!
Networking doesn’t have to be DIFFICULT! You can learn to comfortably predict that you will walk away with a number of viable prospects who want your services and are eager to pay you for your products or expertise or that critical joint venture partner who will help propel you right into the wallets of your new clients.
Get off the information treadmill and get real strategies and skills that work! Learn the exact strategies that you will need in order to:
- network LESS and actually begin to rake in even MORE money! You will be amazed at how great this is!
- keep your sales funnel constantly overflowing with real prospects who are truly interested in working with and paying you.
- weed out the overzealous “bait-and-switch” sales people who only want to sell you their products!
- end the deadly cycle of wasted time, money and efforts that do not result in any sales or profits!
- generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in pure profits just from networking alone!
Craig wasn’t born knowing the critical skills he uses to get these results; he learned them and you can too! I’ll be in attendance on the 28th so join me at Profitable Networking: Double Your Income in 90 Days or Less. Click HERE to get all the details and to secure your spot, guaranteed to revolutionize your success in networking and put more money in your bank account.
Always be connecting!