Networking Basics Q & A

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
November 4, 2014 Business,Inspiration,Networking

I often get asked for networking tips and networking basics.  Here are a few strategies that can help you achieve a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace.Bonnie-magazine

            #1  What are the top three mistakes networkers make?

  • Not wearing a personalized name tag
  • Giving out business cards without being asked
  • Hanging out with people you already know.

           #2  Given the impact of the internet on business, how critical is face to face networking?

  • Spending time with people you meet, exchanging information and eye contact still has major appeal.
  • It’s up close and personal
  • A lot of internet activity is ‘telling & selling’. Networking events provide a great forum for ‘sharing & caring’.

          #3  How often should business people/entrepreneurs be at networking?

  • It depends if you are full time, part time or a sometime entrepreneur!
  • Full time – at least 2xs weekly
  • Part time – as often as you can schedule it in
  • Some time – maybe stick to social media

          #4 How can one best profit from the expense/time/effort involved?

  • The most important piece to successful networking is follow up. Most people don’t have a follow up plan. The three best ways to follow up from least effective to the most beneficial: email, phone call, written note.
  • Be top of mind to those individuals you can serve, that offer the best win-win opportunity and are worth your effort.
  • Not every contact is a potential customer or connection. Be selective so your time after an event is spent effectively.
  • From the time you meet someone until you follow up is critical. If you want a potential relationship to remember you, make an initial connection w/in a couple of days.

Click here for an inspiring article about Bonnie Ross-Parker, CEO/ Founder of Xperience Connections.

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