Growth, Performance, Integrity: Key Components to Good Health

June 7, 2013 Expert Themes: Health & Wellness.

DoctorSeibel-LabCoatWhen Bonnie and Phil Parker approached invited me to join forces to help educate the women they serve on Xperience Connections, I was delighted to say, “Yes!”

My passion is health education and my goal is to help women learn the information they need to lead healthy, happy and vibrant lives (I believe “It’s Better to Stay Well Than to Get Well”).

As a toddler, I was front-page news when the headline declared me “Mighty Might,” the fattest child in the county. As I approached junior high school, I realized I needed to change my habits. I learned at an early age that knowledge, and implementation of that knowledge, are the keys that lead to good health. The three components or pillars of Growth, Performance and Integrity that Bonnie incorporates into Xperience Connections to develop your networking and business goals are another way of saying the very things that resonate with me to help you stay well. Let me explain.

First, Growth. We are living in a world that is constantly and rapidly changing. I know that each day you face new stresses, new constraints on your time, expanded work responsibilities, new pressures on your relationships and an endless array of new health information.  No doubt, you are trying to make sense of all this new information in order to remain healthy and vibrant. You may also be trying to manage your health issues in addition to all of all the things I’ve mentioned above.

Growth in this context is the ongoing need to incorporate the distilled essence of the ever-changing health landscape; understanding what steps to take to stay well yourself and what you can do to help your family remain healthy.  When I created my award-winning website,   and founded My Menopause Magazine in the Apple Newsstand, my goal was to provide up-to-the-second, easy to understand information specifically for women. Health is a continuum. With few exceptions, you won’t suddenly go from wellness to illness.  What generally happens is your body appears to function normally until you reach the tipping point that pushes you into illness. That’s why continuing to grow your Health IQ is just as, if not more important, than growing your portfolio or connections. Without your health, the rest won’t matter. And with good health, you can accomplish the other aspects of your life more effectively.

The second leg on the stool is Performance. You can’t cram for life. Health is the result of positive daily activity; it’s creating healthy habits and redirecting unhealthy ones into a framework of healthy living that you engage in every day. All the knowledge in the world won’t help you stay well unless you implement what you learn a little each day, and for a lifetime.

The final leg is Integrity, meaning completeness or wholeness. The acquisition of knowledge combined with the daily performance of the steps you learn are the basis for maintaining the integrity of your health – mental, physical and spiritual .  All of this together creates what I call the You Zone™.

Every now and then, as your Resident Expert for Health and Wellness, I will be providing articles for you on Xperience Connections.  I would also like to invite you to experience My Menopause Magazine. In addition to the FREE App and having access to our first issue, as a special gift to you, I’m providing you the current issue complimentary. Just subscribe and type BONUScode into the pop up box. ( ) If you have questions you’d like me to address or a personal story you are willing to share with other women in My Menopause Magazine, please email me at .   I look forward to hearing from you and being a catalyst to increase your health knowledge so you can enjoy the quality of personal and professional life you deserve. 

Here’s to your well-being and being well! 

Dr. Mache Seibel,

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