Resident Experts - Health & Wellness

Does Bone Loss Begin After Weight Loss Ends?

June 10, 2014 Expert Themes: Health & Wellness.

Surprising Finding:

Professional business women, are you struggling to lose weight? Many who are transitioning through menopause are fighting belly fat. Many more professional women are struggling to lose 5% to 15% of their weight for health reasons.

But even something as important as weight loss comes with some important considerations. A new study in the May 2014 issue of the journal Menopause shows that weight loss leads to bone loss. The study was designed to see if bone loss is different in women who keep their weight off compared with women who regain their weight. Their findings suggest, “those women who undergo short-term weight reduction and maintain the lost weight for 2 years continue to lose more BMD (bone mineral density) at several sites than those women who regain the weight.”

What does this mean and what does this mean for you? If you are overweight or obese, it is important for health reasons to try to get your weight down. But it is equally important to talk with your healthcare provider about a plan to minimize and monitor any possible bone loss. Here are some things you can do:

  1. Make sure you get enough calcium and Vitamin D3
  2. Eat more protein and
  3. Increased bone-loading exercises such as yoga, Tai Chi, brisk walking, golf and dancing

Don’t let your weight loss cause surprising bone changes for you.

Surprising Findings about Weight Loss Surgery. Dr. Seibel interviews Dr. Nick Nicholson, Director of the Weight Loss Surgery Clinic in Dallas, Texas

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