Resident Experts - Social Media

What are social media influencers?

August 13, 2014 Expert Themes: Social Media.

If you’ve been in and around social media you have probably heard of the word “influencer” and how you should know who yours are.  You also might not be exactly sure what one is and how it affects your business.  In this post I will give you a real world example of what an influencer is and why you should care.


You might have heard about IKEA and IKEA Hackers. No? Check this out.  The short of it is that IKEA felt that IKEA Hackers was using their name to make a profit selling ads on their website.  That was far from the truth. In fact, IKEA was planning on suing one of their best influencers!

What made IKEA Hackers a social media influencer was three things:

  1. People routinely take action that effected the business of IKEA.
    1. That could be learning about the brand
    2. That could be purchasing product
    3. That could be sharing the brand
  2. The community of IKEA Hackers was IKEA’s ideal client.
  3. Targeted creation of content

So, an influencer has the ear of your audience and can have them take action that is a natural progression of their relationship.Tweet: An influencer has the ear of your audience and can have them take action that is a natural progression of their relationship. @where2start

IKEA should have created a relationship with IKEA Hackers leveraging their audience to grow their brand loyalty. Instead they made the mistake of taking legal action. In effect they told their ideal client “We don’t want you to use our furniture that way and we don’t like your community”. What a way to draw business in right?

So, who do you have that you would consider an influencer for your business? Share you business and the influencer below!


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Using Social Media to Promote your eBook

August 7, 2014 Expert Themes: Social Media.

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Using Social Media: Automated vs. Scheduled Messages

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