Why Wait Until the Last Minute?
I hate deadlines and feel overwhelmed when under pressure. When I have a task to accomplish by a certain time, I’d prefer to plan accordingly to meet my obligations in advance of the deadline. Unfortunately, most of us procrastinate. Sometimes our decision to “wait until the last minute” has no affect on anyone else except creating self-imposed pressure. On the
other hand, there are tasks when finished at the last minute cause a ripple affect that results in stressing everyone involved.
I can recall many instances where I felt pressure as the result of another’s last minute performance. I experienced two postponed home settlements because the paperwork was not completed on time. Recently I had to rush through traffic because the person I was taking to the airport was still packing for the trip when I arrived at the scheduled time. There are times when I’m unable to complete my task because I’m waiting for someone else to finish theirs.
I wonder who created the saying “Wait until the last minute”. We’re all familiar with the concept because it’s very widespread. Seems like everyone waits to get things done. Most individuals are already stressed from work overload. Therefore, anytime another task is added to the “to do list” it is frequently overlooked until it shouts for completion. I’ve heard it said that what you resist, persists. I’ve found that to be true. The energy we exert on postponing doing something robs us of the energy we could be using to get the job done.
While we have no control over another’s attitude or accomplishments, we can commit to changing our pattern of performance to make our own lives less stressful. The next opportunity
you have to tackle a task whether at work or at home, it maybe worth making a commitment to beat the deadline. Decide for yourself that, no matter what, you’re going to get the job out of the “in basket”, off your list, or out of the way earlier than required. Think of the satisfaction you’ll feel knowing that you’ve lessened your stress and honored your personal commitment to plan ahead. I don’t think this is easy to do; so be sure to reward yourself for those times you are successful because you didn’t “wait until the last minute”.