Xperience Connections® blogs are written to support businesswomen by encouraging and facilitating their personal and professional growth, motivation and business knowledge.

Willingness is a State of Mind

July 27, 2011 Habits

What Are You Willing To Do Now?

There are endless examples of people we personally know or read about who against seemingly insurmountable odds achieve whatever they set out to do. Success is never an over night occurrence. Entrepreneurs and researchers invest years of time, money, and effort to produce the results they want. Aspiring movie stars, artists, and musicians starve before becoming internationally known. Many politicians get defeated in numerous campaigns before the public accepts their platform. Authors describe being rejected over and over before a publisher accepts their manuscript.

What separates those who persevere from those who give up? I believe the key is “willingness”. It is one’s willingness to do “whatever it takes” to reach a goal that ultimately produces the desired results. The journey one travels to bring reality to a cause or a career is irrelevant. What is relevant is that people who reach their goal know quitting was never an option! I suspect in every situation it was one’s belief in his or her success that outweighed the risk involved.

Willingness is a state of mind. It is being open and receptive to possibilities. It means taking responsibility for the situations and conditions in one’s life. When someone possesses a committed attitude, their confidence is elevated. You feel powerful. You feel unstoppable. You are in control. You are willing to pursue your dream regardless of the odds. If we lived in a perfect world and you absolutely knew we could eliminate fear and failure, what would you be willing to do to achieve the results you wanted? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to pursue your hobby as a new career. Maybe there’s a book inside your head that needs to be written. Have you considered returning to school to increase your skills or learn new ones? Do you have a health issue you’ve been ignoring because the plan of action seemed overwhelming?

Consider how different your life could be if you were willing to take the necessary action to change its direction. Think of what success would feel like if you were willing to do whatever it takes to get the results you want. Success is a state of mind. Your willingness to change your mind and change your life is a decision only you can make. What are you willing to do beginning now?

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Manage the Moment

July 20, 2011 Habits

Do What You Can Do Now Every now and then I go through what I call my “overwhelmed stage”. Suddenly I’m facing deadlines, obligations, professional demands and those self-imposed. Most women can relate to not having enough hours in the day to do it all! As we continually “multi-task” it’s no wonder we are constantly
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Common Denominator

July 13, 2011 Connection

It is our uniquesness that creates our human tapestry It is not my intention to give you a lesson in fractions, however, it occurs to me that many fractions have common denominators just as many people share common qualities. The numerator of a fraction (top number) represents its uniqueness. For us it can represent our
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We Rely on One Another

July 6, 2011 Life

Acknowledge What We Offer One Another Every now and then I take a moment to realize how inter-dependent we are. We go about our routines and interact with many people each day. Do you acknowledge just how significant others are to our wellbeing? If not for cleaners, where would I go for my dry cleaning?
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Carol - 678-457-1557 or Carol@XperienceConnections.com
Tracee - 678-313-0767 or Tracee@XperienceConnections.com