Conquering MONSTERS…Business & Personal

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
September 25, 2010 Personal Development

Contributing Author: Terry Arrington

Some time back, I was listening to a teleseminar on coaching. It was free…I love free not because I’m cheap. What makes free so powerful and profitable is the giving, sowing, seeding, paying it forward or whatever you call it in your belief system. Anyway, the call was suppose to last one hour. After 50 minutes, the presenter was still giving what I call fluff, fillers and stories. I was not hearing what was in the advertisement about the seminar. Where were the how-tos they promised? Quite frankly, I was annoyed because it felt like the old bait and switch. I had to make a decision…do I cut my losses and hang up or stay until the end to hear if what I wanted to know would be covered? I decided to stick it out and I’m so glad I did. She finally said something that was an “aha” moment for me. She explained the reason for the 50 minutes of what seemed like useless mumbo jumbo. Her goal was to confront and deal with some mental blocks about coaching.

It occurred to me in preparation for my seminar on conquering contacts management that having the how-to strategy was only part of the puzzle. If it’s true that what we think determines how far we go, the attendees needed a mental strategy to complement the how-tos. In reality, bad thinking could sabotage success even with great how-tos. The most valuable information I could impart was how to get their thinking straight so that when life happened (and I knew it would) practicing good contacts management would not be derailed.

The mental strategy for conquering what follows is relevant for any MONSTER in life…business and personal:

  • Make a decision…every good strategy starts with making a quality decision. Whether it’s organizing your contacts or exercising, it requires determination to conquer.
  • Make a commitment…it is dedication to see a goal through to completion that gets results. Remaining steadfast in spite of circumstances is sometimes hard but doable.
  • Be accountable…this may require finding a trusted confidante, business associate or thought partner to help you remain on course. On the days you feel like giving up, you need someone to encourage and jerk the slack out of you.
  • Remain persistent…who doesn’t know the tale of the tortoise and the hare? It’s a great lesson on the kind of results you can achieve by staying in the race until the end. Some days it looks like you’re behind everybody and catching up appears hopeless. In those times, remember the tortoise and keep persevering to reach your goal.
  • Respect the process…there is a mentality in our culture that success should come without paying your dues. Most things gotten in haste tend not to last! Going through the process teaches us to how to handle success. Don’t fight that…learn to flow with it and milk it for the wisdom, knowledge and development it brings.

Here’s a promise I can guarantee…whenever you decide to go to another level in your business or personal life, challenge will come! It’s just the way that it is. That resistance is building and developing you and your business. It’s unlocking your creativity and causing you to think outside the box. If you allow it to run its course, you will reap positive and lasting benefits!
Terry Arrington is the president of Contacts-R-Gold. She is a speaker, trainer and consultant. Terry understands that the value of a working contacts database means increased revenue. She often says, “Our prospects and customers buy when they’re ready to buy not when we’re ready to sell!” She works with business executives, their administrative support staff and sales professionals on the proper follow-up techniques to nurture the relationships until the close and beyond. She is passionate about imparting that being “others focused” is the way to win in the marketplace and increase sales.

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