Profit Acceleration Live 10.25.14

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
October 17, 2014 Events,Personal Development

Hello Ladies, We all have a moment that can change it all for us. craigphinn

Change our business. Change our lives. Change our relationships. 

I believe Profit Acceleration Live is just the moment for you if you truly want to… 

Make more money!

Turn more leads into paying clients! 

Access a step-by-step formula to building a highly profitable business!

Change your life! 

I hope you are screaming YES to all four… 

Because it is FINALLY here! The business breakthrough experience that will give you everything you need to consistently build your tribe, convert more of your fans into clients, increase your revenue, make a bigger difference and love your life…all in one place…and all in one-mind blowing day.

Every now and again, we are presented with an opportunity that has the potential to totally change the outcome of our life and business.  If you are not sensitive to your open door moments, you can allow such moments in time to pass you by.  Then you’ll look back days, weeks, months, even years from now wondering “what if”…

What if…

I went to that meeting?

I seized that opportunity to network?

I showed up to Profit Acceleration Live? 

But you’ll never know because once the moment is gone, it is gone forever. I don’t mean to sound dramatic but it’s true. 

Think about it: there may be another meeting.  Certainly you’ll be presented with other opportunities to network.  As for Profit Acceleration Live, we will more than likely be back for another year but with that all said… the next meeting will be nothing like the meeting you missed. The next networking event will not provide you with the chance to connect with all the people you missed by skipping out on this opportunity to network with potential JV partners or clients and CERTAINLY the next Profit Acceleration Live next year will not benefit you or your business like it will if you experience it now!

So what will you experience at this year’s Profit Acceleration Live? A super charged marketing and client acquisition plan.  Precise social media strategies that are working right now.  No-non-sense pricing and revenue forecasting guidance.  Plus so much more! 

Interested in knowing who you will be learning from?  Expert networker Bonnie Ross-Parker, founder of Xperience Connections and an entrepreneurial rock star for more than 30 years. Andrew Gottlieb, social media marketer to superstar coaches such as Lisa Nichols and Craig Phinn, artists The Pace Sisters and top social brands.  And your host, Business Growth Coach and Profitability Strategist Craig Phinn, who went from working in corporate America to generating 7-figure sales three years running.

Don’t miss an opportunity to connect, grow and ROCK your business in a major way. Seize the opportunity to attend Profit Acceleration Live by claiming your complimentary ticket today! 

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