What’s In It For Me?

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
January 31, 2011 Personal Development

That was my question when the concept of The Joy of Connecting was first introduced to me. I was looking for opportunities to introduce my company to new groups, and I thought that starting a JOC chapter might be a good business move.

Now, almost 2 years later, I can say it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. What I was hoping to get out of JOC was far less than actually happened. The quality women who attend both of my JOCs each month are not business associates. They are my friends, my lifelines, my cheerleaders, and my shoulders to cry on. My business is flourishing, but more importantly, women are forming lasting, impactful relationships.

We are making a difference in our communities and have much more impact together than alone. We are referring one another to acquaintances. We are working hard to draw area women together at women’s networking groups throughout the Metro Detroit area.

JOC is so much more than business. Give it a try. It will change your life.

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Carol - 678-457-1557 or Carol@XperienceConnections.com
Tracee - 678-313-0767 or Tracee@XperienceConnections.com