Action = I – Act – On

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
May 6, 2013 Business,Personal Growth
If you are a woman in business, the next time you know you have to make the call, follow up with a lead or provide a valuable resource you promised someone, take ACTION.

If you are a woman in business, the next time you know you have to make the call, follow up with a lead or provide a valuable resource you promised someone, take ACTION.

I love playing around with letters in words.

I was just thinking back to my earlier Xperiences when I would test myself as to how long it would take to do the JUMBLE that appears in many newspapers!

In re-arranging a few letters, for example, Godiva becomes: Go – Diva. And I like to think of Leadership as = Lead Her Ship! The word Journey has the word OUR in it. And, when I think of ACTION – I immediately think of “I Act On.” This is especially true for business women and entrepreneurial women. If we don’t engage. If we don’t follow up with leads, prospects, emails and calls, we are missing the singular, most important element of growing one’s business – ACTION. It’s often been expressed that Knowledge is Power. Well, I’m here to tell you that ACTION is power. Your personal power will significantly increase when you take action. The next time you know you have to make the call, follow up with a lead or provide a valuable resource you promised someone, take ACTION. Let I Act On be your mantra. Watch what happens in your confidence and in your results! Guaranteed.

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  • Janice Brooks says:

    Love the simplicity behind the power of your article. Words really do carry energy.

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