Bonnie Ross-Parker Did it Again….
Bonnie Ross-Parker facilitated another free business workshop at Brawner Hall, Smyrna, GA today. This workshop, “Are You A Savvy Networker” was informative and filled

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with high energy. I walked away knowing that my performance is up another notch and my confidence has increased. Bonnie’s content rich presentations and interactive style provided strategies that are practical and easy to implement. Here’s a few CLIPS for your enjoyment.
Bonnie Ross-Parker, the founder and CEO of Xperience Connections, has a heart-felt desire to see Y O U succeed and works diligently to support you. You don’t want to miss her next workshop; you do want to be a Savvy Networker don’t you?
If you are a woman business owner or professional and would like to learn more about Xperience Connections, click on our WEBSITE to learn how you can become connected.
Looking for a dynamic speaker?
Bonnie is the author of Walk In My Boots ~ The Joy of Connecting, “Y.O.U. Set A High Standard for Being Human” and 42 Rules for Effective Connections. Bonnie lives in Atlanta with her husband, Phil, who is also a professional speaker/author. She can be reached at – 770-333-7923 or 1-877-411-6611 as well as by email: