How to Thrive in the 21st Century ~ Susan Brown

by Bonnie Ross-Parker
April 18, 2012 Life

Want to learn how you can do life on your terms and conquer a condition threatening your success and well-being? Start here by reading Susan Brown’s article, where you will discover one SIMPLE habit that will help you better manage the overwhelming demands and pace of 21st century life.

….I was recently shocked when a client told me that she wanted 100 items on her DAILY To Do list in order to feel successful.  I felt overwhelmed and it wasn’t even my list.

Overwhelmed is a state of feeling upset, overpowered, engulfed, swamped and crushed and if it is left unchecked, it threatens your well-being and your success.   It is normal at times to feel that way given our current and unstable economy; rapid change; information overload and proliferation of choice in our world.  But it is dangerous to fall into the trap of thinking that this is just the way things are and continue to live your life in a state of unrest and anxiety.

You can do life on your terms.  You really can.  It will just take some adjustments and training.

[ CLICK here to Read More ]

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