Professional Woman Collaborate | BOOK SIGNING in KY
Professional Woman Network International Conference held in Louisville, KY August 2-4, 2013

As the publisher of over 65 books, representing 750 authors from 25 countries, Linda Eastman shared her book, accomplishments & vision to over 200 professional women.
Linda Eastman, CEO of PWN, greeted over 200 professional women during the kick-off event held at the historic Seelbach Hotel. As the publisher of over 65 books, representing 750 authors from 25 countries, Linda shared her book, accomplishments and vision to a very excited and appreciative audience. Many of her contributing writers were in attendance and available for the Saturday evening book signing with most of the titles available for purchase.
The weekend included educational and motivational speakers, networking and celebration. Held annually, the event provides contributing writers, participants and PWN members and guests a valuable opportunity to learn, to collaborate and expand relationships.
Bonnie Ross-Parker is honored as being in Linda’s most recent publication – The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power. Bonnie’s chapter is entitled: Living Your Legacy. As a world renowned author, publisher, Linda’s information and her published books can be found at: